Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Beautiful Woman

How beautiful is the woman that reminds me of You.
With such gentleness she caresses my soul
With such love she calls me her own

She bore me in weakness upon weakness
Then felt the joyful pain of birth.

O Allah, it is through this woman 
that I see You on earth.

Bless her with your Love, Mercy and Grace
and make me, my Lord, the comfort of her heart, 
the coolness of her gaze. A'meen.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us: “Allaah is more compassionate towards His slaves than this mother towards her child.” (Reported by Muslim)
- Shahraiz Tabassam


aneebaba said...

Ma'sha'allah, beautiful bhaya!

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